Forwarding and transport in Bulgaria, pallets, domestic transport, courier services, groupage shipments
Eurocourier OOD is a daughter company of EUROSPED Group specialized in the field courier services and domestic transportation by road in the territory of Bulgaria.
Applying modern technologies, the company works according to globally accepted standards.
Eurocourier OOD is specialized in the offering of freight forwarding, logistics, warehousing, distribution, and door-to-door courier services as an economical and express service. It organizes the warehousing and transportation of dangerous cargos (ADR), partial and full truck loads, groupage shipments, palletized cargoes, textiles on hangers. The company is in possession of a well-developed network of distribution centers, company owned trucks, and contractual relations with carriers from all over Bulgaria.
Eurocourier OOD carries out customs representation, customs warehousing, warehousing under temporary customs control etc.
The company works in an integrated manner with the rest of the companies within the EUROSPED Group, which leads to flexibility in terms of the transportation services being offered, optimization of the costs, and the meeting of various transportation and logistics needs.
The Eurocourier OOD policies are aimed at the customer, their purpose being to offer the best possible customer service. Therefore, you can rest assured that we are going to listen to you with great attention, and we will quickly offer you an optimal solution under mutually advantageous conditions. We believe this is the only way we could maintain long-term relations with our customers, partners, and suppliers, and thus make sure there is stability and transparency in our business dealings.
Eurocourier is the new authorized agent for Bulgaria, representing the international logistics network of SkyNet Worldwide Express. The new partnership aims to offer a larger portfolio of
logistics’ solutions for business and end customers. The two companies will unite their experience for express courier shipments of packages up to 31.5 kg.
As an international courier leader, SkyNet Worldwide Express is providing major advantages for Eurocourier’s services, such as:
» fast delivery – express delivery by air;
» competitive price lists – financial solutions for every business;
» import and export of goods – secure delivery to third countries;
» global network – coverage across 7 continents and over 200 countries.
The express courier network deliveries of documents and packages are extremely suitable for a wide range of business industries:
» for international on-line stores;
» for industrial producers;
» for public and private sectors;
» for sending small items and samples.
Get to know the exclusive opportunities offered by Eurocourier in Bulgaria at the official site of SkyNet Worldwide Express.
Courier Tariffs
To get yourselves acquainted with the Eurocourier EOOD tariffs for courier services in Bulgaria, please click on the following links:
To get acquainted with the serving schedule for the various populated places, please click on the following link:
To get acquainted with the Eurocourier EOOD tariff for palletized and groupage shipments in Bulgaria, please click on the following link:
To get acquainted with the Eurocourier EOOD tariff for international courier services, please click on the following link:
To get acquainted with the Eurocourier EOOD general conditions of courier services, please click on the following link:
In collaboration with more than 100 carriers with a total fleet of more than 1,000 trucks, we organize the transportation of LTL and FTL in Bulgaria. Eurocourier EOOD is always able to offer the proper truck at the proper place so that your goods would be taken up and delivered on time, and your specific transportation requirements would be completely met.
A special division of Eurocourier EOOD takes care for the safe and secure transportation and manipulation of dangerous substances, chemicals, and loads which are classified in accordance with the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR). The goods which are excluded from transportation by Eurocourier are the unpackaged products (products in tanks or bulk products), as well as all cargos listed under classes 1 and 7. Please bear in mind that the transportation of dangerous substances and chemicals as courier shipments is prohibited by the legislation currently in force.
Eurocourier EOOD has a SQAS Safety & Quality Assessment System from the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC). This is yet another guarantee for the level of security and safety during the transportation of dangerous substances and chemicals.

The Bulgarian textile industry is very well developed. Many world-famous trademarks have contracted the production of high fashion goods to Bulgarian producers. Eurocourier has in its possession the necessary vehicles for the transportation of clothing on hangers, and our distribution centers are equipped with the necessary means for the unloading and reloading of clothes on hangers from one truck to another by keeping the high quality of the clothes.
Customs representation:
- Preparation of customs and transport documents
- Specialized customs clearance at our own premises by an individual customs officer from Sofia Airport Customs Office
- Import/export customs processing at an airport/seaport
- Transportation in transit mode under customs control to the import customs-house by air or by road
- Change of ownership
Customs-bonded warehousing:
- Customs-bonded warehousing (type 1 public warehouse in Sofia) with a 400,000 BGN bank guarantee covering customs liabilities of more than 2,500,000 BGN
- Licensed temporary warehouses under customs control in the cities of Sofia and Stara Zagora for the storing of goods for up to 90 calendar days
Customs transit operations with a reference amount of the security (a bank guarantee for the securing of the customs duties and taxes) amounting to 1,000,000 BGN.
Eurocourier EOOD has a contract of Freight Forwarder Liability insurance as a commissioner and as a warehouse operator with the insurance company EUROINS AD. The subject-matter of the insurance, the risks that are covered and those that are not covered, you may find here.
According to the General Conditions of Courier Services, the Standard Trading Conditions (STC) of NSBS, the Standard Warehousing Conditions (SWC) of NSBS, the Commercial Code of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention (for transport by air), the Hague Rules or the Hague Visby Rules (for sea transport), and the other applicable legislation, the liability of the freight forwarders and of the carriers is limited to a certain amount and depends on the cause (culpable conduct). If you want your possible damages covered for a greater amount or for an extended range of causes, we would advise you to purchase a Cargo in Transit insurance and/or a property insurance for goods stored in a warehouse. In case of sea transportation, then we would advise you to purchase a cargo insurance in all cases.
The Eurocourier specialists will help you in your choice of insurance coverage, and they can insure your goods on your behalf and at your expense on your explicit wish.
Customer Service Hours:
Monday to Friday – 09:00 h – 18:00 h
Courier services